DUI Case Results: Case List 11
- Case List 1
- Case List 2
- Case List 3
- Case List 4
- Case List 5
- Case List 6
- Case List 7
- Case List 8
- Case List 9
- Case List 10
- Case List 11
- Case List 12
Commonwealth v. H
The defendant was charged with a DUI in York County on July 29, 2007. It was alleged the defendant was going 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. The defendant was required to submit to a field sobriety test and it was alleged the defendant failed all tests. This was a second offense in ten years and the defendant was facing 90 days in jail. Attorney Lauer represented the defendant in York County Court on January 23, 2008 and was able to negotiate a deal with the District Attorney whereby the defendant only received three days incarceration. Moreover the defendant received a 12 month license suspension instead of the 18 months the defendant would have received if Attorney Lauer would not have been successful in the agreed upon sentence.
Commonwealth v. E
On November 2, 2007 the Defendant got in a fight with his girlfriend and it is alleged he struck her and sustained bodily injuries. The police arrived at the Defendant’s house and based upon observation police charged the Defendant with misdemeanor simple assault. Attorney Lauer represented the Defendant at the preliminary hearing on April 2, 2008 in York County, and was successful in getting the misdemeanor summary offense charge dropped to harassment.
Commonwealth vs. S
On March 29, 2008 the Defendant was stopped in Hershey, PA for failing to stop at a stop sign. The Defendant was requested to submit to field sobriety test and it is alleged he failed these tests. The Defendant was taken into custody and was given a breath test with a result of 0.100%. This was a second offense DUI and the Defendant was looking at receiving a thirty day jail sentence and a one year loss of license. Attorney Lauer represented the Defendant at a preliminary hearing on June 2, 2008 in Hershey, PA and was successful in negotiating an agreement with the District Attorney to drop the DUI charge in exchange for a plea to reckless endangerment. Attorney Lauer saved the Defendant jail time, a year loss of license and extreme insurance rates.
Commonwealth v. M
On October 13, 2007, the Defendant was charged with DUI in Adams County Pennsylvania. It was alleged the Defendant failed field sobriety tests and he submitted to a breath test of .132%. Attorney Lauer represented Defendant at a preliminary hearing in Adams County on November 28, 2007 and was successful in convincing the District Judge that the officer did not have a legal basis to arrest the Defendant. All the charges were dismissed against the Defendant.