Have You Been Charged with a DUI?

Have You Been Charged with Another Type of Crime?

Drug Trafficking Lawyer

An arrest and conviction for a serious drug trafficking crime can effectively end your life — separating you from loved ones during a lengthy prison sentence, draining your finances, creating a criminal record and ruining your reputation.

The help and hope you need are just a phone call away.

Drug Trafficking Charges Can Effectively End Your Life

The skilled defense attorney you should contact, who can help you in Harrisburg, at Penn State and Pennsylvania statewide, is Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. Jr. of the Law Offices of Patrick F. Lauer, Jr., Jr LLC, in Camp Hill.

During his more than 33 years of trial experience, including more than 200 jury trials, Mr. Lauer has compiled a significant track record of success with defenses for people just like you. His knowledge of state courts and sentencing guidelines, and his ability to negotiate with prosecutors, can work to your advantage.

Drug trafficking charges and punishments can be determined by the amount of drugs in your possession or if you were caught in the act of a sale. If you are charged with drug trafficking with intent to distribute, a jail or prison sentence is virtually a foregone conclusion if you are convicted.

Don’t resign yourself to this bleak future. Act now to protect your rights by calling Mr. Lauer at 717-985-8595 for a free consultation.

If You Don’t Want To Plead Guilty, Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. Is The Attorney For You

Attorney Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. is an experienced trial lawyer and has handled a number of drug crime cases over the years. He is aggressive, knowledgeable and ready to go to court when you are arrested for:

  • Possessing, selling, importing or smuggling drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, prescription drugs, party drugs or medical marijuana without a license
  • Offering to sell drugs to a government informer, police decoy or undercover agent
  • Drug trafficking involving crossing state lines with drugs
  • Sending or receiving drugs through the mail

You can count on the Law Offices of Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. LLC, to thoroughly investigate your arrest for any sign that police committed an illegal search and seizure that violated your rights. Our skilled defense lawyer looks for any flaw in police procedures that could lead to reduction or dismissal of your charges. And throughout the legal process, you receive rapid responses to any sudden questions or concerns you might have.

Do Not Wait To Call. Let Us Start Working On Your Defense Now.

Contact us if you have been accused of or charged with drug trafficking. For a free initial consultation with attorney Patrick F. Lauer, Jr., call 717-985-8595 or send us an email message.