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Senate Committee Approves Bill to Reduce Employment Barriers for Persons with Criminal Records

On Behalf of | Nov 7, 2019 | Firm News

Action Alert | National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Last week, the Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee voted unanimously to advance SB 637, legislation that would reduce barriers for persons with a criminal record in obtaining a professional license in Pennsylvania. NACDL has joined a host of organizations in supporting this legislation and encourages you to do the same. Please contact your State Senator and urge them to pass this important reform.

Occupational licensing has expanded from covering 5 percent of the workforce in the 1950s to 30 percent today. In Pennsylvania, 29 professional boards and commissions regulate 255 licensure types, and just over 1 million licenses. By easing or eliminating unfair restrictions, this bill will help people with a criminal record obtain meaningful employment after incarceration.

Help us extend a second chance to people with a criminal record in Pennsylvania and urge your State Senator to support SB 637.

Act Now to Help Reduce Employment Barriers for Persons with Criminal Records in Pennsylvania!

Pennsylvania Drunk Driving Defense: Law, Tactics, and Procedure | by Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. | Revere Legal Publishers