Did a failed DUI test land you in jail and charged with driving under the influence? Did police have a warrant to perform the test? Up until the last couple of years, police officers across the country, including here in Pennsylvania, had the ability to perform...
Year: 2018
Is an addictive drug causing problems in your life?
There is definitely a major drug epidemic in Pennsylvania. In fact, you might say that certain drugs are problematic throughout the nation. Some drugs are more addictive than others. If you have ever suffered a muscle strain or other injury that caused chronic pain,...
Facing a DUI homicide charge?
Your night out at a local bar with friends ended in tragedy. You collided with another vehicle, and the driver of that car did not survive the event. You suffered injuries and required hospitalization. While there, police requested a blood test to check you for...
Know the facts regarding field sobriety tests in Pennsylvania
If you've experienced a traffic stop in Pennsylvania, you know how disconcerting such situations can be. Nothing can ruin a nice night out with friends or even a daily commute worse than seeing those flashing patrol car lights in your rear view mirror. If a police...