Mail theft is the unlawful taking of another person’s mail, with the intent to deprive that person of the mail. It’s a serious offense in Pennsylvania that can lead to jail time and fines. Mail may not be as popular as before, but stealing other people’s letters and other written correspondence is still a crime.
But what about packages? The boom of online shopping has led to an increase in package deliveries – and package thefts.
Are mail and package thefts two different crimes in Pennsylvania?
The short answer: They’re the same offense
According to Pennsylvania law, “mail” refers to any letter, package, bag or item of value sent or delivered to another. This means that package theft offenses are prosecuted as mail theft offenses in the state.
But just because package theft is subjected to mail theft laws, it doesn’t mean the penalties for the offense are light.
Grading and penalties for mail and package theft
The criminal grade and the penalties for mail and package theft depend on the value of the mail/package stolen, as well as the number of prior offenses. The grades are:
- Value of mail/package is less than $200, first offense: The offense is a summary offense, punishable by up to $250 in fines and 90 days of imprisonment.
- Value of mail/package is less than $200, second offense: The offense is a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by up to $5,000 in fines and two years of imprisonment.
- Value of mail/package is less than $200, second offense: The offense is a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by up to $5,000 in fines and two years of imprisonment.
- Value of mail/package is $200 or more, first or second offense: The offense is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable by up to $10,000 in fines and five years of imprisonment.
- Value of mail/package exceeds $2,000, or third offense: The offense is a felony of the third degree, punishable by up to $15,000 in fines and seven years of imprisonment.
These penalties apply regardless of whether the offender stole mail or package.
So yes, mail and package theft are the same offense in Pennsylvania. The penalties for the offense can be very severe, especially if much money is involved. If you face allegations of either mail or package theft, you shouldn’t underestimate what a conviction can lead to. An experienced legal professional may be able to give you advice on your case and explain your defense options in court.