Have You Been Charged with a DUI?

Have You Been Charged with Another Type of Crime?

The collateral consequences of committing violence

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2023 | Firm News

When convicted of a violent offense, some repercussions are to be expected, such as jail time, fines and a criminal record. What you may not anticipate are the collateral consequences. These are penalties that could drastically restrict your daily life once you are released or have served your sentence.

Removal of driving privileges

Resuming driving may be possible after your release. However, a violent offense involving automobiles could be an obstacle when applying for a driver’s license. If you have an existing license, the court may take it away.

Losing mobility can make even the most basic errands difficult, such as purchasing groceries, seeing the doctor or picking up your kids from school.

Hindrance to employment

Maintaining a clean record is a requirement for numerous professions. You risk having your license revoked or rejected if you have a criminal record that is directly related to your occupation or poses a significant danger to others.

In addition, even though the law prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals with criminal records, many are still unwilling to overlook a history of violence.

Restrictions from traveling

You might be able to travel within the United States, but leaving the country is more complex. Some nations completely bar entry for travelers with criminal records, particularly for violent crimes. Even if you have done your time, these restrictions can inhibit your ability to move forward.

If you cannot travel freely, it could affect your personal and professional life. Vacations or business trips abroad may not be feasible.

Inability to secure loans

Because of the negative connotations associated with a criminal past, lenders may see you as a high-risk borrower. Not being able to get a loan to buy a house or launch a business can be a huge setback when you’re trying to start over.

Loss of child custody

A criminal conviction doesn’t automatically lead to loss of parental rights. However, pleading guilty to certain violent crimes could lead Pennsylvania family courts to deem you unfit to care for your child.

How legal representation can help

Accepting a plea bargain without fully understanding the implications could subject you to lifelong ramifications. No matter how hopeless things seem, a tenacious criminal defense lawyer will examine every angle of your case to see if there are any possibilities of having the charges dismissed or the sentence reduced. Plus, as your legal advocate, they will fight to ensure your rights and best interests are protected.

Pennsylvania Drunk Driving Defense: Law, Tactics, and Procedure | by Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. | Revere Legal Publishers