Have You Been Charged with a DUI?

Have You Been Charged with Another Type of Crime?

Violation Of Probation/Parole Could Send You Back To Jail

Parole or probation violation consequences can be harsh, including a return to jail. If you are facing a technical violation of parole or new charges against you, you need experienced criminal defense assistance for an evidentiary hearing and the entire legal process.

At the Law Offices of Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. LLC, in Camp Hill, we help juveniles and adults alike manage their cases effectively to avoid any further negative consequences that could affect them for the rest of their lives.

With more than 33 years of experience and more than 200 jury trials to his credit, attorney Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. Jr. knows how to aggressively protect your rights when you are accused of violating probation or parole — changing your residence without approval, failure to pay restitution, or failing to report for regular visits with your probation officer.

Defending yourself in these situations is not a do-it-yourself project. You need someone with proven negotiation skills who can be your voice in court. Call the Law Offices of Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. LLC, at 717-985-8595 to discuss details of your case. Your initial consultation is free.

If You Don’t Want To Plead Guilty, Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. Is The Attorney To Call

Our skilled defense lawyer can arrange your surrender to the jail if there is a bond. If the offense in question is a felony, with no bond, he can arrange your surrender to the court, requesting a bond for your release. Mr. Lauer is known for thorough investigation, negotiation and litigation of violation charges, and case preparation for trial at evidentiary hearings. He also excels at plea bargaining to help you avoid facing the risk and uncertainty of trial.

Mr. Lauer is never far from being able to address your next question or concern regarding any criminal issue. From start to finish of the legal process, you receive frequent updates on the status of your case, openness to your ideas, the facts and options you should be aware of, and sound recommendations that can lead to wise decisions about your future.

Get In Touch With Us Today

Contact us for a free initial consultation with an experienced defense lawyer. Call the Law Offices of Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. LLC, at 717-985-8595 or send us a message online. We respond promptly to all communications.